
How To Clean Out Your System Of Drugs

Recently, the use of cannabis has been legalized in some states, but you might still encounter situations where you will have to go through mandatory drug tests.

Many workplaces strictly forbid its use and often organize on-site drug tests for their employees. So, if you have recently smoked marijuana and you are anxious about an upcoming drug test, we will provide you with information on how to pass a drug test.

Our team has carefully compiled a list of various THC detox methods which can clear all traces of THC in your body in order to successfully pass your test with no further worry.

This article is suitable for you if you are in need of passing a drug test, seeking a detox program, or simply trying to abstain. Below we will provide further information on the top three weed detox methods.

Best Weed Detox Methods for Getting THC Out of Your System

  1. Detox Drinks – Best Drinks for THC Detox
  2. Detox Pills – Best Weed Detox Kit
  3. Detox Shampoo – For Hair Follicle Drug Test

Drug tests to detect THC in your system can be intimidating for some if you are a casual or heavy smoker since the likelihood of it showing up is high. This is concerning when your job mandates their employees to take a drug test.

Although these methods are not fully guaranteed to result in passing a drug test, they are great options to opt for as they help mask traces of THC.

Our team has scanned through different products and customer reviews to check the legitimacy and has listed the best THC detox methods to pass a drug test below.

#1. Detox Drinks – Best Drinks for THC Detox


Is a mandatory drug test coming up at your workplace, and are you desperate to pass it? One way is to use detox drinks as a temporary, quick, and simple solution.

The Mega Clean Herbal Cleanse by Detoxify is a highly effective detox drink that cleanses your urinary, circulatory, and digestive systems effectively. It works best if you follow a proper cleansing routine.

It has been proven to minimize the toxin levels of your body in just one hour, and its effects can last up to five hours. The formula used in this drink works well for people with a high level of toxins and those with a heavier BMI.

The way it works is it dilutes your urine to the point that traces of THC disappear. You will start to feel the effects of the detox drink in 90 minutes, and you may get a clean result for six hours.

In addition, it replaces the vitamins, minerals, and color that gets lost in the process.


Make sure to drink lots of water every day, as this is an excellent way to detox. In fact, water itself is a catalyst for your body's natural cleansing process.

These should be ideally consumed on an empty stomach, and do not take any unnecessary medications at least two days before taking them.

Before your test, have light meals that are not rich in fats or oil. Similarly, alcoholic beverages, smoking, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, and any unnecessary medication should be avoided, as these could affect the detox process and your results.

Detox drinks might be a little expensive, but it is still one of the best methods to detox from THC. So, give it a try whenever you have an upcoming drug test.

#2. Detox Pills – 5-Day Marijuana Detox Kit


Continuously drinking fluids alone can be tedious, so we recommend detox pills — specifically,Toxin Rid 5-day Detox Program. It is one of the most popular and effective products that are 100% natural and free of any harmful ingredients.

It includes 75 tablets, one ounce of dietary fiber, and one fluid ounce of liquid detox that provides an in-depth detoxification process.

It only uses herbs, vitamins, and minerals. Also, this product does not contain any filler, animal products, or synthetics. Toxin Rid will cleanse your body, blood, urine, and saliva from heavy levels of toxin in just one hour.

These THC detox kits are available as a three-day, five-day, or ten-day detox program kit, and they can handle all kinds of heavy toxins besides THC.

Depending on how often and how long you have been consuming weed, this will determine what type of detox plan you should choose. In the same way, your body type and metabolism play a role in how much time the whole process will take.

According to your age, your metabolic rate will be fast or slow. Therefore, if you have a fast rate of metabolism, the detox process will be quicker and vice versa.

Lastly, remember to do your part by drinking plenty of water and healthy foods to give your detox program a boost.

#3. Home Remedies such as Lemon Juice & Water

Sometimes the best detox plan is not any manufactured pills or drinks but going about it the natural way.

The classic combo of lemon juice and water has been highly praised for its various benefits. It not only aids in weight loss, but it also significantly helps in detoxifying toxins in your body.

To make this lemon detox, get a lemon and squeeze one half of it into a cup. Then add about 8 to 16 ounces of water. Since lemon is a natural acidic liquid, add water accordingly to dilute the lemon juice.

This drink is easy to make and can be consumed as many times as you want until the day of your drug test. Your body will naturally flush out all of the toxins and THC from your system, and you will feel healthier and lighter.

Thus, lemon juice is one of the best THC detox methods you can try at home without spending lots of money.

#4. Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is another fantastic natural detox drink that may help cleanse THC out of your system. Even though it does not conceal the presence of THC, it is still an inexpensive and effective method to get rid of unwanted toxins from your body.

If you want a thorough and successful cleansing process, drinking cranberry juice along with plenty of water or other fluids full of electrolytes, like a sports drink, is recommended. They will regulate more urination, and the more you urinate, the more your body will flush out the toxins present.

Here is a pro tip: you can also take vitamin B supplement pills to speed up the detoxification process, as it will make your urine sample look more natural to avoid any suspicion on the day of the drug test.

Cranberry juice is also one of the best natural THC detox methods that is cheap. Unlike lemon juice, it is less sour, so it will be easier to consume in greater quantities. So, give this cranberry juice detox a try.

Also, if you are not interested in drinking cranberry juice, there are cranberry supplements available that can be taken instead.

#5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a well-known solution for eliminating body fat and increasing your metabolism. But, besides assisting in weight loss, it is also a natural method for cleansing your body.

THC metabolites are highly soluble in the fat cells of your body. But, apple cider vinegar has detoxifying properties that make it one of the best THC detox methods.

Take about two to three teaspoons regularly before meals; but, never exceed this limit, since it can be harmful to your health. Vinegar is a strong acid that can burn the inside of your mouth, so always mix it with water before drinking.

This product is cheap and locally available. However, since it contains vinegar, it might be too strong for some people's taste.

One thing to keep in mind is apple cider vinegar is not a full-proof method for eliminating THC in one day. So, many are hesitant to rely on this for their drug test since it does not provide consistent results.

But, this minor problem should not stop you from trying it out; and, while following a program using apple cider vinegar, you should avoid anything that will increase toxins in your body. So, follow a strict and healthy diet while you are on a detox routine for the best results.

Also, steer clear of any alcoholic beverages until your detox routine finishes.

#6. Detox Shampoo – For Hair Follicle Test


Hair follicle drug tests are pretty rare, but that does not mean they do not exist. Now, if you are new to this, it might seem very strange and scary; but, you do not have to worry, since special shampoos exist to help you pass your test.

There are numerous detox shampoos in the market, but we highly recommend you to try out Test Clear's Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo along with Zydot's Ultra Clean shampoo and conditioner.

Its deep cleansing formula removes all kinds of toxins, environmental pollutants, chlorine, and residual impurities without harming your hair.


Wash your hair every day at least three to ten days in advance with the Aloe Toxin Rid, and use the Ultra Clean shampoo only on the day of your drug test since the effects last for 24 hours.

You can also take multiple showers a day for better results. Remember to wash your hair thoroughly and lather it for at least 10 to 15 minutes.

While showering specifically, focus on the scalp because the hair sample will be taken directly from there for the drug test. Are you curious why? This is because the scalp hoards all of the toxins and is full of oil layers. So, make sure you thoroughly rinse and wash your scalp.

So, from now on, utilize your shower sessions to prepare yourself for your upcoming hair drug test with this hair follicle shampoo, which is one of the best THC detox methods.


Remember to wash off any items you used before that came in contact with your hair, as they can reintroduce or increase toxins in your hair. So, avoid any kind of things like pillowcases, beanies, hats, headbands, and bandanas, etc. And, if you do come in contact with these, make sure you wash your hair before your test.

#7. Detox Mouthwash – For an Oral Swab Test


An oral drug test produces really fast results, and it is frequently used for on-the-spot mouth swab drug tests.

Now, there is no need to fear any mouth swab tests, because we have a remedy that will help you pass your drug test.

Believe it or not, a simple mouthwash can determine whether you will keep your job or not after your drug test results are out. If you have recently consumed marijuana, use a mouthwash that is specially designed to get rid of the traces of THC.

Toxin Rid Rescue Wash Mouthwash comes in a small bottle, which makes it easy to use just a few minutes before your test. You can even hide it or dispose of it before anyone finds out.

To pass the test, rinse your mouth with one-third of the mouthwash and hold it in your mouth for three minutes, and then spit it out. After this, you can take breath mints to keep your mouth fresh.

Many customers have also shared positive reviews regarding this product and commented on how it helped them pass their drug tests with flying colors. Due to its numerous satisfied users, this mouthwash is one of the best THC detox techniques for clearing a marijuana test.

So, next time you have an oral drug test to pass, go for this product.

Types of Drug Tests

You might be surprised to know that different types of drug tests can detect traces of THC in your system. Below are some commonly used types of drug tests and how they function.

  • Urine Analysis

Urine tests are the most common tests for drug and alcohol testing, and it shows the presence or absence of drug metabolites in a person's urine.

The test can detect marijuana, cocaine, opiates, alcohol, as well as nicotine. It is measured in ng/mL. So, if you get 50ng/mL or a higher level of THC in your system, your result will come out positive.

Sometimes, urine test results are inconclusive, false positive, or false negative. In this case, you can request for a urine analysis to be retaken.

You should also be aware that some medications can produce false positives, so do inform the tester if you are currently on any medication or over-the-counter drugs.

Nowadays, urine tests are a part of pre-employment screening. Urine analysis is the easiest to overcome by flushing your system for the day with a detox drink or permanently with a detox kit.

  • Hair Test

Hair testing is a simple procedure where 1.5 inches of your hair is taken directly from the scalp to draw comparative test results. With this, you can find out when the drug was used, for how long, and when its usage stopped.

This test utilizes two tests to confirm a positive result. The first is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the second test is the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS).

Although it can detect drug use for around 90 days, it does not show evidence of recent use because it can take about a week for the traces of THC to become visible in your hair.

With this test, you can identify cocaine, marijuana, amphetamines, opioids, methamphetamines, and phencyclidine (PCP).

  • Blood Tests

Blood tests are an invasive method that accurately detects THC (even weeks after use) in your system, and it is analyzed in a lab.

It detects cocaine, marijuana, amphetamine, opiates, methamphetamines, nicotine, and alcohol 24 hours after drinking.

Even if you take a quick puff, THC can be immediately identified in your system for one to seven days. For heavy smokers, the THC trace remains in your blood for quite some time and can be detected for up to two months.

  • Mouth Swab Test

One of the most popular types of drug tests is saliva testing. Mouth swabs are used to collect a person's saliva sample, or you are just asked to spit in a cup.

It is a quick and affordable method of drug testing. It reveals alcohol, cocaine, amphetamine, and methamphetamine use within the past few days, except for marijuana, which is detected only for ten hours after use.

Mouth swabs provide precise information mainly for very recent use — from a couple of minutes to about 48 hours.

  • Perspiration Drug Detection Test

The perspiration drug test is a relatively newer drug test where a patch is applied to a person's skin and kept for 14 days. It collects their perspiration and analyzes it for detecting marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamines, LSD, and heroin.

It is majorly used in recovery facilities to monitor people or those on parole/probation.

  • Breathalyzer Testing

Breathalyzer tests are done to detect levels of alcohol, but they cannot trace past usage. During this, you are instructed to blow into a tube connected to a breathalyzer device. Then, your intoxication levels are displayed in the form of a number.

These types of tests are frequently used by the police for on-site DUI testing. Nowadays, there are also many new self-testing kits and smartphone apps.

What if You Do Not Have Time for a THC Detox?

Drug Test at Home

If you are a person who frequently or casually smokes marijuana, then having a personal drug test kit at home is not a bad idea.

Rather than panicking before a big THC drug test at your workplace or being tested by law enforcement, you can pre-test yourself at home and decide what kind of detox program you should adopt.

Most cannabis testing kits involve urine testing that is used to test for traces of THC and CBD in your system.

The Marijuana Drug Test Kit by QuickTest contains a one-time-use marijuana home test strip that should be used as soon as you open the package.

Prepare a urine sample beforehand and dip the test panel as indicated by the arrow for about 10 to 15 minutes. Do make sure the sample does not go beyond the arrow while using the kit.

After this step, place the test panel on a plain, non-absorbent surface for five minutes or at least until the lines on the kit become clearer.

The drug test kit gives you 99% accurate results that should be interpreted after ten minutes of use. To get a positive result, you should have a cannabis concentrate that is more than 50ng/mL.

There are three possible scenarios after a test is done. First, you may get two lines, where one of the colored lines should be in the control region, and a colored or faded line lies at the test region.

The shade of the line at the test region can vary, but despite this, it still means your sample is negative. The cannabis concentration is below the level of detection, therefore, you passed the test.

A single line means it is positive. The line appears over the control region, and the test region remains blank. It means the THC or CBD levels in your system have been detected. In this case, you should consider a detox program to avoid it in the official test.

There is a possibility of an invalid test result too. This can happen when the control line fails to appear.

You might get this result because the test had encountered some error during the process, or maybe the urine sample volume was insufficient. So, take a new test with a different panel since the test kit is now useless and should not be used again.

As a Last Resort, Pass a Drug Test With Fake Pee

To pass a drug test, many people have often asked someone else to lend their urine samples in their desperation. However, this can be unreliable. But, we have a better alternative.

Synthetic urine is created in labs where all of the necessary minerals are artificially added to match the look and smell of real clean human urine. This includes ammonia, creatinine, pH, uric acid, urea, and the proper sulfate levels.

  • Powdered Synthetic Urine

If you are using a powdered version, then you need to "create" the fake urine by mixing the powdered urine with distilled water and mixing them well. This step is really crucial, because if you want your fake pee to be as close as possible to your biological urine, you will need to maintain the delicate balance of chemicals that are included in it.

Keep mixing the contents until no more powder is left, and the solution starts to foam and form bubbles. After this, heat up the solution in the included vial until it reaches 95 degrees. Now, you are ready to use this synthetic urine for your drug test.

  • Liquid Synthetic Urine

The liquid type of synthetic urine is comparatively easier to use because it comes pre-mixed when you receive it. The liquid synthetic pee is already in a concentrated form, so there is no need for mixing it with distilled water or adding additional ingredients.

You can simply give the container a good shake and heat it between 90 to 98 degrees. Since this method has less complicated steps, the chances of making an error and disrupting the levels of the chemicals are less.

Now that you have prepared the main item, place the fake pee into the cup for drug testing. To make the whole process more convenient and less suspicious, many of these fake urine kits come equipped with elastic belts for holding the cup and heat pads to maintain the required temperature.

Do not be intimidated by the whole process, because along with your products, you will receive an instruction manual too. So, as long as you work with caution and follow the rules, everything will be just fine.

FAQs About THC Detox Methods

Q. What Is the Best Way to Detox for a Drug Test?

In this article, we have mentioned various natural remedies as well as products to help detoxify your body and, hopefully, pass a drug test for THC.

But frankly, no one method can be considered the best. All of the methods we included do not work 100% well, so you should adopt multiple methods accompanied by a healthy diet and good habits.

In whatever you do, strictly follow the detox program you are using before your drug test and drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins present in your system. In addition, going to the gym and sweating out those toxins is ideal too.

Q. Does Alcohol Detoxify THC?

No, alcohol does not assist in detoxing your body of THC. Instead, it has the opposite effect because it boosts the THC levels in your body.

Say you ingested weed then gulped down some alcohol along with it. You will notice the THC levels in your body are higher with alcohol than with weed alone.

That is the reason why it is strictly suggested to avoid consuming any sort of alcoholic beverage during your detox program.

It is also advised not to take weed and alcohol together, particularly if you are going to drive later, since it is dangerous.

Q. How Can You Pass a Drug Test Naturally?

If you want to avoid any product designed for detoxification, there are still several cleansing methods that work just as well as the manufactured ones, but that are more natural.

Natural cleansing techniques take longer to work, but they are more thorough in flushing out unwanted toxins. These are also good for your health and are suitable for everyone.

Here are some ways you can detoxify your body and pass a drug test the natural way:

Stop Consuming Weed

We cannot say this is unexpected, because it is obvious. Why go through all of the hassle of detoxification and drug tests, especially when your job depends on it?

If you want to be free from marijuana, there is no better way than quitting it. If you are a regular consumer, it might be hard to stop at once, but you can gradually decrease the amount and work your way through it. That is the most effective and natural way.

If you want a clean start, then it is highly recommended you practice a healthy lifestyle that includes your diet and daily exercise.

  • Drink Water Regularly

Drinking plenty of water during a detoxification period is a must. Water is a good cleanser, and it naturally gets rid of toxins and impurities from your body through urination. That is why frequent urination is a sign the detox process is going well.

However, do not go on drinking gallons of water, because excessively drinking water does not speed up the process.

Instead, regularly drink water and maintain a good level to stay hydrated. Eventually, your body will expel different types of toxins from your body.

  • Follow a Healthy Diet

It is not a big surprise, but your food habits play a role in shaping your health.

Certain dietary fibers, lean meats, and fruits can increase your body's metabolism because they are rich in various vitamins and essential minerals. It also improves your overall mood and sleep.

Leafy vegetables like spinach and kale help in flushing out the toxins from your body. Incorporate other beans, legumes, and whole-wheat foods in your diet too.

Try to avoid unhealthy foods rich in fat and sugar during your detox process. Foods like red meat and junk foods increase water retention and slow down your metabolism.

  • Work Out

THC tends to store itself in the fat cells of your body. Those who have more fats in their body will take longer to detox.

So, engage in intense cardio sessions, as it will help in burning fat and increasing your body's metabolism. That way, the detox process is accelerated, and you sweat a lot throughout the process, which is an excellent way of expelling toxins.

  • Natural Detox Juices

There are several ways to aid your cleansing process. Lemon juice, cranberry juice, and apple cider vinegar are some well-known natural detox drinks. They are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and boost your health by removing toxins from various parts of your body.

Besides being inexpensive and easily available, these drinks act as a personal deep cleanser, so it takes some time to work effectively.

  • Coffee

To all the coffee lovers out there, here is good news. There are many benefits of drinking coffee, such as giving you a rush of energy and weight loss. But, are you aware of its detoxification properties?

Coffee can be a life savior not just for people who need to stay awake, but for those who smoke weed because it is an all-natural diuretic. The more coffee you drink, the more fluids and toxins you release.

But, it is advisable to drink water along with it and take vitamin B supplements before your drug test. Also, do not exceed the limits of your coffee consumption because you can experience some side effects.

Q. How Long Does the THC Stay in Your System?

There is not an exact time or time frame during which all traces of THC will leave your system. The times it takes for THC to leave your system to differ from person to person.

Usually, it takes about 30 to 60 days for the traces of THC to be expelled from your system naturally.

According to American Addiction Centers, marijuana can remain in your body for the following time frame:

  • Hair: 90 days
  • Urine: 3 days to 1 month or more (depending on usage)
  • Saliva: 48 hours
  • Blood: 36 hours
  • Sweat: 7–14 days

There is a stark difference between each person's body and internal system. Other factors include your age and how long and how frequently you have been consuming weed.

There are specific cases when the detoxification process takes longer. It occurs when people have a larger body mass, a slow metabolic rate, and consume cannabis frequently. Additionally, the potency of the substance also affects the rate of detoxification.

Q. How to Know if a Synthetic Urine Kit Is of Good Quality?

Synthetic urine is one of the most efficient and also risky ways to pass your drug test. There are lots of synthetic urine kits that claim to be the best and look promising. However, many of them turn out to be fakes and scams.

A high-quality artificial urine kit is expensive, and the majority cost above $100. That is due to the usage of essential ingredients found in actual urine, such as urea and creatinine, which are costly.

The look and feel of the product from a legit brand will be more sophisticated. Do not ever buy them from a third-party website online, because there is a high risk of getting scammed this way. Only buy them from trusted official websites.

In Conclusion: Which Marijuana Detox Method Should You Opt For?

All of the detox methods we have mentioned above are temporary quick solutions that can at most trick your drug test.

But, please note that even though these products are sold transparently online, you should definitely avoid getting caught cheating on your drug test. In the worst-case scenario, you can be arrested. So, do take precautions if you choose to do so.

Your detox journey can be very exhausting. So, besides your physical health, remember to take care of your overall mental health too. Feel free to engage in relaxing activities like taking a stroll, reading, and spending time with friends and family.

Do not unnecessarily overexert yourself, because the purpose of the whole detox program is to promote health and wellness.

How To Clean Out Your System Of Drugs


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